Tuesday 16 July 2013

Latest Neobux autoclicker Tool 2013

Neobux autoclicker 101% workingnot a bot ,,

1 step

 sign up with this link, you must sign up with this otherwise autoclicker is not working Neobux signup

2 step 

you must use firefox to use neobux autoclicker
Download firefox 

3 step 

3.Downlaod this ADD ON


4 step 

install this  scrip code to your firefox and restart firefox


5 step 

thats all now login to neobux and biwe adds now you can see adds click automatically

Steps For Downloading This File :

Step 1 : Share This Post by Using the Facebook and Googleplus Buttons given Below (Its an Important Step).

Step 2 : Then by clicking the Download Links given above, a adPage will appear just Skip it.


Step 3 : After that a survey page will appear which is Simple to Finish , and then you can download this File.

(Note-You Have to Complete these Following Steps To Download the File Otherwise Some Error May Occur During Downloading Process)


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